VM-12G vacuum oil

Vacuum Oil VM-12G, TU 0253-351-05742746-99 with mod. 1

VM-12G vacuum oil. The continuously expanding vacuum applications are demanding that special vacuum oils be developed and manufactured to definite requirements. For different types of equipment, only type-specific vacuum oils should be used, because the vacuum quality depends on this.

Price of the VM-12G vacuum oil

To learn about the price of the VM-12G vacuum oil, please call +7 (831) 435-17-70. Our sales persons will advise you on delivery conditions and payment options. The hydrogenated VM-12G vacuum oil is designed for lubrication of special-purpose process equipment, including bearings operating in vacuum.

Characteristics of the VM-12G vacuum oil, TU 0253-351-05742746-99


Acceptance limit

Density at 20 °C, kg/cm3, within


ASTM color, not more than


Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s:


at 20 °C, within


at 50 °C, at least


Open cup flash point, °C, at least


Pour point, °C, not higher than

minus 10

Mass fraction of mechanical impurities, %, not more than


Water content


Water soluble acid and alkali content


Sulfur mass fraction,%, not more than


Mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons, %, not more than


Vapor pressure at 20 °C, Pa (mmHg), not higher than

5.3×10-6 (4.0×10-8)

Steel 40, steel 45 or steel 50 strip corrosion test at 50 °C per GOST 1050 or a copper strip corrosion test per GOST 859


Buy the VM-12G oil

Manufacturer’s warranty obligations

The guaranteed shelf life of the VM-12G oil is 5 years from the manufacturing date.

Packaging options

The VM-12G vacuum oil is delivered to a Customer’s address in 15.0-kg net-weight 18-liter tin cans. Upon the agreement with the Customer, 216.5-liter steel drums or small plastic containers may be used.

 You Can Buy VM-12G oil. Prices & Specifications You Can Buy VM-12G oil. Prices & Specifications

You can buy or find out the price of vacuum oils by calling us or filling out the feedback form below.

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